S5P-PAL Data Portal

This is the dissemination site for data products generated by Sentinel 5P processors running in S5P-PAL.

Most data products published on this portal are pre-operational products. This means that these products may get updated at any point without advance notice and long term availability is also not guaranteed. In case of an update, a description of the changes between the different processor versions generating the products will however be included on the product specific information pages.
As a general disclaimer, using any of these products for operational purposes is at your own risk.

L2 Products

The following Level-2 products are currently made available publicly via this portal:
product description
AOT pre-operational AOT data, starting from July 2018, new products updated daily
BrO pre-operational BrO data, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
TCWV pre-operational TCWV data, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
CHOCHO pre-operational CHOCHO data, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
SO2 COBRA pre-operational SO2 COBRA data, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
SIF pre-operational SIF data, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
DLER surface DLER database, based on collection-3 S5P L1b data from May 2018 to May 2023
OClO pre-operational OClO database, starting from May 2018, new products updated daily
The PAL-reprocessed NO2 dataset is no longer available. Please use the operationally reprocessed version of the NO2 dataset.

L3 Products

For several of these pre-operational products, as well as various operational products, gridded data (Level-3) is also available. These are produced at varying time averaging scales, ranging from daily to yearly products. Maps of the gridded data are provided on the Copernicus Sentinel-5P Mapping Portal.

Discovery and access

Product file discovery and access is provided by S5P-PAL in the form of web services that implement the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) open standard. These endpoints can be accessed programmatically.

You can also use public STAC browsers, such as for example the Radiant Earth STAC browser, to view the S5P-PAL products interactively through a more convenient graphical Interactive Product Browser. This browser provides both the Level-2 and Level-3 data products.

Version history

The Data Portal version history page contains information about updates to this site.


Questions regarding this service can be send to the ESA EO Support Helpdesk.

This service is provided as part of the Sentinel-5P Product Algorithm Laboratory (S5P-PAL) and contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data processed by S[&]T.